
28.09.2024 - 28.09.2024

Fashion swap: den youngcaritas-Kleedertausch

General information

Date : Saturday 28 September 2024

Location: Rotondes, Stad Lëtzebuerg

Saturday 28 September 2024

Bring and exchange your clothes at the youngcaritas fashion swap!

Here are the rules of the game. Bring min. 1 and max. 10 pieces of clothing and receive tokens in exchange. Take the same number of clothes home with you. The type of clothes that you bring in and take home doesn’t matter. But note that only clean and whole clothes will be accepted at the entrance.

And to make things even more fun, the bar will be open and there will be DJs from Kollektiv Wohnung playing all afternoon.

New on the programme: Repair Café! Get small stains on your clothes repaired.

In collaboration with Les Rotondes.

If you are interested or have any questions, please contact us: +352 661 367 465 or